Finding coupons for produce is rare. So when it comes to saving money on fresh produce you have to look for other ways to save. Saving on fresh produce is not impossible. Here are my 5 Tips on How you can Save on Produce.
1. Know your Prices.
If you go into a store and look around for produce you will find prices vary from store to store. Knowing your prices on each item will help you save. If you don’t know the best prices (lowest price that item goes) then you will very well end up spending more money not knowing if the price you paid was a good low price. For example, If you know that one store sells apples for $1.99 a pound that will help you determine whether the next store’s price on apples is a good deal or not.
How do you know what’s the best price? Well that will depend on your area. Check your fliers and watch the sales cycle. Once you know the best price for each produce item you can shop at the place that sells them for the lowest price.
2. Buy in Season.
If you purchase produce in their off season, you will be spending more money. Always buy the produce in season, and stock up if you can. Some produce may be good to freeze, like berries.
3. Shop Farmers Markets.
Find out where the Farmers Markets are in your area. Be careful though, don’t assume that because it is a farmer’s market it is always a good deal. You have to know your areas prices before you shop so you know what the best deal is.
Don’t be afraid to ask for a better price from individual vendors. Shopping at Farmers Markets you get to speak one on one with the seller. The worst that could happen – they say no. It never hurts to try for a better bargain!
Like Farmers Markets, you may be able to find a good deal on produce at a roadside stands. If you see one, it may be worth a stop.
4. Cash Back Apps.
5. Coupons.
Last but not least, you can save money on produce with coupons. Sometimes the grocery store will offer money off your order coupons, or in ad coupons that you can use to save on produce.
The post 5 Tips on How to Save on Produce appeared first on My Momma Taught Me.